September 2018 – Casual labour and entitlements – recent developments

February 18, 20230

Casual labour and entitlements – recent developments

Most, if not all employers engaging casual labour are of the opinion that there are no entitlements to be paid, such as say annual leave.

Whilst the Fairwork Act provides that casual employees are not entitled to be paid annual leave, simply offering employment on a casual basis and then paying them as a casual (normally a higher rate) is in itself not enough to classify the arrangement as casual employment.

We have provided a link from Hall & Wilcox, which outlines a recent case.

Whilst the case has some very specific circumstances that may not equate to your own arrangements, the article does highlight some characteristics that need to be present for an arrangement to be considered casual employment.

If you should have any concerns over your current arrangements, please contact our office and we can put you in touch with qualified experts in this area.

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