

August 2016 – Investment Properties and Depreciation deductions

Investment Properties and Depreciation deductions We see it countless times where new clients with pre-existing investment properties haven’t claimed the depreciation they are entitled to. Perhaps second only to interest expenses, depreciation can be the next largest expense. Depreciation expense differs to the other form of deductible expenses in that it is a claim calculated...

October 2016 – Payroll Tax – How is it justified ?

Payroll Tax – How is it justified ? Every Prime Minister, Premier or Opposition Leader preaches how they are all about creating and focusing on “jobs, jobs, jobs.” You hear it at every election and thereafter. We agree that it should be the primary focus of any government, as a healthy employment level generates other...

March 2017 – Negative Gearing

Negative Gearing Negative gearing is now the new hot topic. Property prices have been rising for over a decade now, but negative gearing has suddenly become the main reason. Why ? Politically the Labor government see it as a point of difference and a vote winner. Who doesn’t want to see lower house prices in...

June 2017 – Using your existing superannuation to acquire property

Using your existing superannuation to acquire property. Many people are unaware that they can use their superannuation to acquire residential or commercial property. Whilst many don’t have enough in superannuation to do this, the laws allow you to borrow the funds, subject to banking lending ratios and your own personal circumstances. Your existing superannuation balance...

March 2018 – What Percentage can I claim?

What Percentage can I claim? It’s a common question we often receive from clients seeking to claim their mobile phone or home internet. It’s also one of the key areas the ATO are focusing on this year. A variation to the question is also, “Is there a minimum percentage that I can claim that will...

March 2019 – Changes to deductions for payments to workers

Changes to deductions for payments to workers   From 1 July 2019, the rules for claiming deductions for payments to employees and contractors are changing. You can only claim deductions for payments made to employees and contractors where you have met the pay as you go (PAYG) withholding obligation for that payment. So what are...